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Photo of Rafael Rubio Avellan Spain

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Author: Rafael RUBIO AVELLA Signature: Blonde Born in the village of San Rafael Segovia, El Espinar in the year of grace 1957, spent his early years in Port Lions, then living for several years in Barcelona, Madrid and Reus, rather than live in Vila Seca, where he currently resides. Of tiny old, showed his talent as an artist doing his first painting at nine years. Self-taught painter, has the gift of spontaneity as the...

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17.72 x 23.62 in
23.62 x 15.75 in
35.43 x 27.56 in
27.56 x 19.69 in
15.75 x 19.69 in
11.42 x 11.42 in
16.93 x 23.23 in
17.72 x 25.59 in
16.54 x 11.81 in
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Author: Rafael RUBIO AVELLA Signature: Blonde Born in the village of San Rafael Segovia, El Espinar in the year of grace 1957, spent his early years in Port Lions, then living for several years in Barcelona, Madrid and Reus, rather than live in Vila Seca, where he currently resides. Of tiny old, showed his talent as an artist doing his first painting at nine years. Self-taught painter, has the gift of spontaneity as the main characteristic of his artistic work. With slow strokes, fine and detailed, his style was framed between the figurative and realistic. The techniques used are watercolor, Oil on canvas, on wood and plaster, and charcoal and graphite drawing, being in this final stage where you get better results and better artistic expression, with scenes worthy to see its detail and naturalness. The technique on which his work deals with varied compositions cheer from great masters such as Goya, Velazquez and others, to corners of the peoples of Spain, the Netherlands and Morocco, with its traditional streets and windows ascom their customs, landscapes and cityscapes, seascapes and still lifes, which gives a good finish, and have a strong resemblance to reality. Also include custom work done, and these mainly portraits and landscapes to read, Charcoal, Graphite Pencil and some murals to read. The presentations are: --- June 1996, private individual exhibition in Madrid Getafe. --- April 1998, individual exhibition at La Lavandera of the association of people from La Pineda, Vila dry. --- April 2001, individual exhibition in the Hall The Vicarage, Reus dAmics Center. --- Various exhibitions Reus collectively with the Association of Artists is a member. --- January 2007, individual exhibition in the Hall The Vicarage, Reus dAmics Center. --- February 2007 SalndArt VIII participation in Reus. --- April 2007, participation in the 2nd Exhibition of Arts and Applied Arts Comarruga El Vendrell. --- July 2007, participation in fira de Sant Jaume de Reus. --- October 2007, participation in Z ART Art Fair of Zaragoza. --- January 2008, individual exhibition in the hall dArt Espai Santa Lucia de Reus. --- February 2008, participation in the IX SalndArt Reus. --- May 2008, participation in the Fair of Craftsmen held in Vila-seca to mark the eighth centenary. --- August 2008, participation in an Art Competition Exhibition Pineda Beach --- September 2008, a prize drawing and painting in a Beach Art Competition Exhibition La Pineda --- Dibersas Sec exhibitions with Art (Art section of Vila-seca) of which he is president. --- January 2009 Exhibition at the Hotel Termes Montbrio throughout the year 2009. --- February 2009, participation in the X SalndArt Reus. His works are in private collections in various Spanish cities including Madrid, Barcelona, Valencia, Segovia, Avila, Zaragoza, Murcia, Cceres, and of course Tarragona, where he lives today and as Carcassonne and D French Auge. To contact the author to arrange visits to study any queries telephone call 638-41.67.46.

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